Xueyao’s Homepage

Hi! I’m Xueyao Sun / 孙雪瑶 👋🏻

I’m a research postgraduate enrolled in the dual Ph.D. program at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and University of Technology Sydney. I’m fortunately supervised by Prof. Qing Li and Prof. Guandong Xu. I’m also affiliated with the DSMI Lab and work closely with Dr. Kaize Shi.

I studied statistics during my undergrad and obtained a BEcon in Economics and Statistics from Jinan University in 2022.

My research interest lies primarily in NLP, including controllable generation and responsible NLP.

📬: xueyao.sun@connect.polyu.hk

🏫: COMP@PolyU | UTS | DSMI

💻: LinkedIn | GitHub |DBLP

📖 Publications

Expert-Guided Extinction of Toxic Tokens for Debiased Generation

Xueyao Sun, Kaize Shi, Haoran Tang, Guandong Xu, Qing Li

arXiv preprint, 2024 [paper]

Compressing Long Context for Enhancing RAG with AMR-based Concept Distillation

Kaize Shi, Xueyao Sun, Qing Li, Guandong Xu

arXiv preprint, 2024 [paper]

LLaMA-E: Empowering E-commerce Authoring with Multi-Aspect Instruction Following

Kaize Shi, Xueyao Sun, Dingxian Wang, Yinlin Fu, Guandong Xu, Qing Li

arXiv preprint, 2023 [paper]

AMR-TST: Abstract Meaning Representation-based Text Style Transfer

Kaize Shi, Xueyao Sun, Li He, Dingxian Wang, Qing Li, Guandong Xu

Findings of ACL, 2023 [paper]

✍🏻 Academic Service

Reviewer / Sub-Reviewer

NeurIPS 2024

ECML 2024


BESC 2024, PC Member

PAKDD 2024


BESC 2023

ECAI 2023, Call to Arms Award

EMNLP 2023

ACL 2023

Teaching Assistant

COMP5152 Advanced Data Analytics

COMP2011 Data Structures

COMP1004 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

COMP2012 Discrete Mathematics

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

🌱 Experience


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Kowloon, HKSAR

Ph.D. student (dual degree program with UTS)

Supervisor: Prof. Qing Li (PolyU side), Prof. Guandong Xu (UTS side)

Sep 2022 - Now

Jinan University Guangzhou, China

BEcon in Economics and Statistics

Advisor: Dr. Eric Mak, Thesis supervisor: Dr. Peiai Zhang

Sep 2018 - Jun 2022

For more details, please find my CV here.

Last updated: 3 Jun 2024